Fitness Trend

Trendmutató Fitnesz és Sport Szakemberek részére

Kutatási projekt a fitnesz szektor területén

2013. december 20. 14:37 - Zopi

Tisztelt fitnesz terem, fitnesz központ tulajdonos, menedzser!

Szeretnénk tájékoztatni arról, hogy a Debreceni Egyetem, Sportgazdasági és –menedzsment Tanszékén kutatási projekt indult a fitneszszektor területén. Első szakaszában a fitneszkutatás során felmérésre kerülnek a fitnesztermek vendégei és a fitnesz szektor munkavállalói. A kutatáshoz szükséges adatgyűjtésben kérnénk segítségeteket azzal, hogy a kutatás kérdőívei a lehető legszélesebb körben eljuthassanak a fitnesztermek vendégeihez és a fitnesz szektorban működő dolgozókhoz.


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ISM konferencia a médiában - filmösszefoglaló

2013. december 10. 00:00 - Zopi


International Standards Meeting for Fitness

2013 november 21-22, Budapest.

Szakértői konferencia - 17 ország - 50 oktatási, sport és fitnesz tudományi szakember

Köszöntő: Prof. Dr.Tóth Miklós MOB Alelnök, MSTT Elnök

Keynote előadások: Dr. Zopcsák László és Bryan O'Rourke

Szervező, házigazda: Dr. Zopcsák László és az IWI, valamint az MFESZ Team.


Főbb eredmények:

  • Iparági minőségszabványok jóváhagyása, fejlesztésükre javaslat
  • Az Ír és a Magyar Szakember regiszter csatlakozása az EREPS-hez

Programgazda: EHFA (European Health & Fitness Association)


Az alábbi riport a Hír TV Befutó műsorában lett bemutatva:


...és így látták Brüsszelből: EHFA Magazin Dec. 2013


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Ereps Signs Formal Arrangements with Ireland and Hungary

2013. november 30. 18:20 - Zopi

 EHFA heading.PNG

Ereps Programme Signs Formal Arrangements with Ireland and Hungary

The 4th annual International Standards Meeting in Budapest provided the appropriate setting for the completion of two agreements with the national registers of exercise professionals from Ireland and Hungary to join the European Register of Exercise Professionals (EREPS) Programme.

EREPS has members working in more than 30 different countries and is seen as a positive way of helping the understanding of fitness qualifications and to improve the mobility of trainers wanting to work in different countries. Dr Thomas Rieger Chairman of the EHFA Standards Council signed Memorandums of Understanding and Trust with the professional bodies of Ireland Active and the Hungarian Health and Fitness Association as the process of underpinning quality control and the application of agreed standards. Separate agreements are also in place to aid the two-way administration and supervision of fitness trainers who join the Registers and enter into the wider EREPS Programme.

Commenting on the progress of EREPS Harm Tegelaars, EHFA President said, “for over 10 years we have been working and developing the standards to support the professionalising of the fitness sector and implementing the EREPS Programme. We are taking very careful steps to ensure we are building permanent structures and the addition of these two national registers marks some very significant progress. Our Standards Council has done an incredible job in creating such a high-quality outcome through our sector qualification framework and the standards we now have available are the backbone of this progress as shown by the addition of the two registers.”


Mark McManus, the Registrar for REPS Ireland added “the constructive dialogue and cooperation between Ireland Active, EHFA, EREPS and the Irish Register has shown that together we can make real progress and we are looking forward to a positive relationship in our work together.” László Zopcsák for the Hungarian Health and Fitness Association said “we have been working very hard to establish the structures and to meet the requirements of operating the Hungarian Register (HUREPS) and we are very proud of this major move forward in helping our own national fitness industry.”

The two registers will have their own operating systems alongside EREPS and are all linked through the main EREPS website at Members are listed on public directories and have certificates of registration which clearly identify their status of registration and relevant level of their qualification.

Note to Editors...

REPS Ireland - REPs Ireland has been established by Ireland Active to independently verify exercise professional qualifications when they fulfil 4 key criteria:

  1. Achieve qualifications and awards that meet industry standards & have been independently Quality Assured 
  2. Maintain professional standing by ongoing CPD
  3. Maintain appropraite insurance cover
  4. Adhere to a code of ethical practice

The industry standards used by REPs Ireland are based upon the European standards developed by the European Health & Fitness Association (EHFA). Click here for more details

REPs Ireland operates independently of all Education Providers and facilities.

For more information:

Hungarian Register of Exercise Professionals  HUREPS
- is governed by the Hungarian Health and Fitness Association and is based on the EHFA standards and operating principles of the EREPS Programme.

The industry standards used by HUREPS  are based upon the European standards developed by the European Health & Fitness Association (EHFA). Click here for more details

HUREPS operates independently of all Education Providers and facilities.

For more information:

About the European Health and Fitness Association (EHFA)

EHFA- The European health & fitness Association, with its origins in 1996 as a not-for-profit organization, represents the interests of the European health & fitness sector at the EU level.

With an office and staff in Brussels since 2007, EHFA has been recognized as the official representative body for the sector. Its objective is “More People, More Active, More Often”. EHFA is also a standards setting body and promotes best practices in instruction and training to help battle the inactivity and obesity challenges spreading across Europe.

EHFA has among its membership more than 10.000 facilities, 18 national associations, leading suppliers, education/training providers and individuals. EHFA represents the sector with the EU and has very good connections with DG Sanco and DG EAC, who have awarded operating grants and project grants to EHFA. Two projects were conducted with EU funding; “The Hub”, a research project on the effects of Physical Activity promotional campaigns and a study in 8 countries called “Fitness Against Doping”.

The association organizes several annual events for the sector, such as the Fitness Forum, International Standards Forum and the Executive Leadership Forum.

EHFA supports the development of the European Register of Exercise Professional, EREPS which it operates. EREPS is an independent process for the registering of qualified instructors, trainers and teachers working across Europe in the exercise and fitness industry, who meet European standards. These standards are developed for the sector under supervision and guidance from the EHFA Standards council.

For more information please visit: or or


Press Contact:

Jessica Orazio



The Secretariat
The European Health & Fitness Association

Rue Washington 40
B-1050, Brussels, BRU

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Címkék: fitness ehfa ereps

Vélemények az ISM konferenciáról!

2013. november 26. 09:04 - Zopi

3 nap alatt 17 ország képviselői a fitnesz és egészségfejlesztési szektor fejlesztéséért munkálkodtak.


Előző blogbejegyzések:

Gondolatok az ISM nyitóelőadásomhoz



A részletesebb beszámoló előtt idézek néhány véleményt.


„Dear Laszlo;

Big compliments to you and your team; it was wonderful and very well organized!

You can be proud!

It will be a big challenge to do better next year:)

Herman Rutgers former EHFA Executive director, EHFA Board Member”


„Hello Laszlo

I am very satisfied with the event. High quality delegates, perfect organization, excellent overall satisfaction etc.


Prof. Thomas Rieger EHFA Standard Council Chair”



„Dear Thomas and Laszlo

Just to say Thank You to both of you for delivering the ISM in Budapest last week. From my own observation and from the feedback I have been getting it was a quality event and the delegates were well satisfied with their attendance. So well done to you and the team supporting you.

Thank you also to your colleagues in Budapest who worked hard on the success of the event, please give them my regards.

Harm Tegelaars

EHFA president”


"...maradok hű követőtök és remélem, hogy a jövőben lehetőségem lesz még tenni valamit a magyar fitness-wellness előrehaladása érdekében. Ez úton szeretném megköszönni a színvonalas rendezvényeket is minden téren és további sok siker kívánok Nektek! 


Nyárádi Esztella"


“The 4th annual International Standards Meeting in Budapest provided the appropriate setting for the completion of two agreements with the national registers of exercise professionals from Ireland and Hungary to join the European Register of Exercise Professionals (EREPS) Programme.

EHFA Press Release”

REPs Ireland ‏@REPsIreland@LaszloZ thank you for hosting a fantastic @EHFA_EREPS ISM in you're beautiful city. We had a great conference.

Dear Laszlo, 

Thank you for organising a 'great' conference. Compliments for your wonderfull presentation on thursday!
Dyon Voogt Projectmanager Fit!Vak / Fitnessondernemer (NL)


Dr. Simona Pajaujiene Thanks, Laszlo, for everything! Was great organization of this meeting and also social part :) Now take some rest!

Citoyen A. Paulsen

Last day of EHFA's ISM 2013 - thanks Laszlo Zopcsak, Ladányi Zoltán et al. for being our hosts and organizers in charmingly beautiful Budapest ! 

"Kedves Laci,
szuper volt a tegnap .... 
Nagyon jó, hogy tenni próbálsz a szektorért!!!

"Laszlo, Thank you for your hospitality at the recent EHFA meeting. The event was terrific and Budapest was beautiful.

Graham Melstrand, Vice President, Corporate Affairs-American Council on Exercise - (ACE) USA"


 További fényképek itt

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The New Era of Health&Fitness

2013. november 26. 09:04 - Zopi

A IV-ik ISM is a jövőtervezésről szólt. Háttérmunka, melynek hatása nem ma érik be. Ezért azt is lehetne mondani, hogy nincs sok köszönet benne, mert nem azonnali a visszajelzés, nem olyan látványos, mint egy kirakatkonferencia.

Én mégis hatalmas inspirációt kaptam, és a Twitter, FB, LiN bejegyzésekből azt látom és érzem, hogy mindenki így van ezzel, aki részese volt ennek a két napnak. Persze szervezőként annyira nem lehet hátradőlni, de amikor ilyen előadást hall az ember, akkor az hosszú időre feltölti. Megérte.

Bryan O'Rourke (Global Fitness Industry Advocate & Business Leader CEO & Founder Integerus | CSO at Fitmarc | President at Fit-C)


2013 EHFA International Standards Meeting November 2013 from Bryan O'Rourke Business Leader In Fitness, Wellness & Technology

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