3 nap alatt 17 ország képviselői a fitnesz és egészségfejlesztési szektor fejlesztéséért munkálkodtak.

Előző blogbejegyzések:
Gondolatok az ISM nyitóelőadásomhoz
A részletesebb beszámoló előtt idézek néhány véleményt.
„Dear Laszlo;
Big compliments to you and your team; it was wonderful and very well organized!
You can be proud!
It will be a big challenge to do better next year:)
Herman Rutgers former EHFA Executive director, EHFA Board Member”
„Hello Laszlo
I am very satisfied with the event. High quality delegates, perfect organization, excellent overall satisfaction etc.
Prof. Thomas Rieger EHFA Standard Council Chair”
„Dear Thomas and Laszlo
Just to say Thank You to both of you for delivering the ISM in Budapest last week. From my own observation and from the feedback I have been getting it was a quality event and the delegates were well satisfied with their attendance. So well done to you and the team supporting you.
Thank you also to your colleagues in Budapest who worked hard on the success of the event, please give them my regards.
Harm Tegelaars
EHFA president”
"...maradok hű követőtök és remélem, hogy a jövőben lehetőségem lesz még tenni valamit a magyar fitness-wellness előrehaladása érdekében. Ez úton szeretném megköszönni a színvonalas rendezvényeket is minden téren és további sok siker kívánok Nektek!
Nyárádi Esztella"
“The 4th annual International Standards Meeting in Budapest provided the appropriate setting for the completion of two agreements with the national registers of exercise professionals from Ireland and Hungary to join the European Register of Exercise Professionals (EREPS) Programme.
EHFA Press Release”
REPs Ireland @REPsIreland@LaszloZ thank you for hosting a fantastic @EHFA_EREPS ISM in you're beautiful city. We had a great conference.
Dear Laszlo,
Thank you for organising a 'great' conference. Compliments for your wonderfull presentation on thursday!
Dyon Voogt Projectmanager Fit!Vak / Fitnessondernemer (NL)
Dr. Simona Pajaujiene Thanks, Laszlo, for everything! Was great organization of this meeting and also social part :) Now take some rest!
Citoyen A. Paulsen
Last day of EHFA's ISM 2013 - thanks Laszlo Zopcsak, Ladányi Zoltán et al. for being our hosts and organizers in charmingly beautiful Budapest !
"Kedves Laci,
szuper volt a tegnap ....
Nagyon jó, hogy tenni próbálsz a szektorért!!!
"Laszlo, Thank you for your hospitality at the recent EHFA meeting. The event was terrific and Budapest was beautiful.
Graham Melstrand, Vice President, Corporate Affairs-American Council on Exercise - (ACE) USA"
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